Please list your public key(s) here. We'll bring printed copies of this page, then ask each person to confirm that this fingerprint is correct.

Mention it if you want non-exportable (local) signatures (certifications), otherwise we'll assume you're fine with having the signature made public.

Public keys


pub   4096R/7B75921E 2009-05-29 [expire : 2016-06-01]
 Empreinte de la clef = 8DC9 01CE 6414 6C04 8AD5  0FBB 7921 5252 7B75 921E
uid                  Antoine Beaupré <>
uid                  Antoine Beaupré <>
uid                  Antoine Beaupré <>
sub   4096R/9C5A5581 2009-05-29 [expire : 2016-06-01]
sub   2048R/D2DF2587 2012-07-18
sub   2048R/EE02855A 2012-07-20
sub   2048R/AFD0FDF8 2012-07-24

You can upload your certifications on public key servers directly.


pub   1024D/0C3BFA8C 2006-12-09 [expires: 2014-05-19]
      Key fingerprint = 79E9 4687 59CE 66ED BD5F  6797 B864 0663 0C3B FA8C
uid                  Matt Corks <>
sub   4096g/0875F88C 2006-12-09 [expires: 2014-05-19]

pub   2048R/9DCB98E6 2010-05-18 [expires: 2014-05-15]
      Key fingerprint = 15F3 47E9 E70B 7A46 779C  41B9 1264 EEA5 9DCB 98E6
uid                  Matt Corks (work) <>
sub   2048R/D3557267 2010-05-18 [expires: 2014-05-15]

Feel free to publish my key on public keysevers after signing.


pub   2048R/681F83C7 2013-02-18 [expires: 2018-02-17]
      Key fingerprint = 686C 6BC3 831C F6EF B9AF  602C 3842 282C 681F 83C7
uid                  Louis-Philippe Véronneau <>
uid                  Louis-Philippe Véronneau (Courrier UQAM) <>
sub   2048R/B2DE42EC 2013-02-18 [expires: 2018-02-17]

Feel free to publish my key on public keysevers after signing.


pub   2048R/3A92FB4C 2011-03-23 [expire : 2016-03-21]
 Empreinte de la clef = 6363 AD83 46D0 CDFF AD85  40F0 AFD9 1A92 3A92 FB4C
uid                  Jerome Charaoui <>
uid                  Jerome Charaoui <>
sub   2048R/F7ADAD48 2011-03-23 [expire : 2016-03-21]

Certifications may be published to public keyservers.


pub   4096R/0x8CBF9A322861A790 2009-05-08 [expires: 2014-04-24]
      Key fingerprint = 4777 535F E547 1562 6260  77B5 8CBF 9A32 2861 A790
uid                 [ultimate] Micah Anderson <>
uid                 [ultimate] Micah Anderson <>
sub   4096R/0x6AF1DC04D40ED62E 2009-05-08 [expires: 2014-05-03]
sub   4096R/0x3493FC14B61CAE53 2009-05-08

Certifications may be published to public keyservers.


pub   4096R/0xCCD2ED94D21739E9 2007-06-02 [expires: 2015-02-26]
      Key fingerprint = 0EE5 BE97 9282 D80B 9F75  40F1 CCD2 ED94 D217 39E9
uid                 [ultimate] Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
uid                 [ultimate] Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
uid                 [ultimate] Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
uid                 [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 3515]