wizard in two parts sign/share


  1. "turn on camera" with list of devices if available, show image of camera vs qrcode
  2. ask the other person to show their "qrcode-monkeycode" to your camera
  3. "turn off camera" or "sign key" (instead of "back" and "forward")

have a cancel button always available to return to main wizard


  1. choose identity (if necessary)
  2. full size qrcode
  3. "done"? "finish"? "return"?

share shows the qrcode, with "more options" collapsed where print/save is. also where the fpr is showed.

also exposes (optionnally) your public key material on the network (avahi mdns + tiny httpd), until you uncheck or get out of the mode.


print allow printing bunch of business caards or t-shirt

use gpgconf instead of copying gpg.conf